Whitfield is a sim-game stable, founded in March 2022. At Whitfield, we focus on breeding Thoroughbreds for showjumping, Anglo-Arabians mainly for showjumping and pure Arabians, mainly Polish and Russian, for dressage. Our breeding was originally founded as a support function for Trakehner breeding at Gestüt Ahlershof, but today our breeding is also about creating new lines. Our horses are on offer for both warmblood and ponybreeding in addition to their respective breeds.
Our stables are located in the southern coast of England, somewhere between Faversham and Canterbury.
birthed | breed | gender | name | register | sire | dam |
16.10.2022 | ox | stallion | WF Krawiec | VH22-003-0191 | Przemysł | Królewna |
01.04.2022 | xx | mare | Whitfield Enigma xx | VH22-006-0073 | Take That Ion xx | Kilkenny Eigirina |
09.10.2022 | trak | stallion | Lucaryon WF | VH22-021-0189 | Cirion Valryon | Lucky Inkstain SWA |
08.11.2022 | x | mare | Whitfield Impasse | VH22-034-0059 | Przemysł | Indian Four xx |
27.01.2023 | xx | stallion | Whitfield First Indian | VH23-006-0043 | First Edition xx | Indian Four xx |
28.04.2023 | xx | stallion | WF Hereditary Sins xx | VH23-006-0072 | Deathly Hallows Ion xx | Her Heiress xx |
13.05.2023 | xx | stallion | Whitfield Fifth Solar | VH23-006-0100 | Xul Solar xx | Indian Four xx |
22.05.2023 | xx | mare | Whitfield That Inspiration xx | VH23-006-0105 | Take That Ion xx | Inspire ARD |
20.05.2023 | xx | mare | Whitfield Winter Edition | VH23-006-0130 | First Edition xx | Wintour SMH xx |
26.11.2023 | xx | mare | Her Royal Antics WF xx | VH23-006-0266 | Innuendo xx | Her Heiress xx |
23.04.2023 | trak | mare | Nadeshova WF | VH23-021-0155 | Chelyshov | Nadezhda OL |
10.02.2023 | x | stallion | Whitfield Nightcode | VH23-034-0013 | Nightwing Delm | Whitfield Enigma xx |
20.01.2023 | x | stallion | Whitfield Quatris | VH23-034-0014 | Quantum x | Nadezhda OL |
05.01.2023 | x | stallion | Whitfield Sandro | VH23-034-0015 | Xul Solar xx | Sheza ox |
08.05.2023 | x | mare | Whitfield Rhyolite | VH23-034-0031 | Nightwing Delm | Scoria NBD |
28.05.2023 | x | stallion | Whitfield Quite Fine | VH23-034-0041 | Quantum x | Saltleigh Finesse |
30.08.2023 | x | stallion | Heir of Iberia WF | VH23-034-0051 | Primo Ibriaco | Her Heiress xx |
05.06.2023 | ox | mare | WF Krysia | VH24-003-0136 | Palec Serdeczny Bohater | Królewna |
20.03.2024 | xx | mare | Lucky Inkshot WF | VH24-006-0087 | Double Shot SWA xx | Lucky Inkstain SWA |
15.04.2024 | xx | stallion | Whitfield High End xx | VH24-006-0100 | Raider BH xx | Her Heiress xx |
03.03.2024 | rp | mare | WF Dark Impression | VH24-029-0089 | Knockturn Dark Arts | Whitfield Impasse |
09.07.2023 | x | stallion | Londoncoeur WF | VH24-034-0010 | Primo Melcoeur x | Lucky Inkstain SWA |